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Cesar Sources: "May this preseason serve to have the same physical condition as in 2022"

The midfielder spoke from Argentina and commented on the importance of the preseason on Argentine soil.

© Colo ColoCésar Fuentes and the preseason in Argentina

Second day of preseason in Colo Colo and it has already begun with ball and physical work. El Cacique will spend 13 days in the town of Los Cardales to get in shape both footballingly and physically.

One of those who has shown to have an important physical condition in the Cacique is César Fuentes. The midfielder spoke with the Cacique’s official networks and referred to the importance of the preseason.

“We were there a few days before the New Year, they got us ready. Now we have the first day with the ball in Argentina and we are fine, we are on the right track and we are just starting, we have to start picking up the pace. Hopefully this preseason will help us to have the same effort that we did all year and that lasted us, which was a great factor to be champion. We showed the physical condition that we had”, he expressed.

He also added that “we know that it will be a very complicated year with many championships to face, but we are going to win them all, that is why the preseason in Argentina is super important to get the best out of each one.”

Finally, he said that “we are all very well and motivated, all wanting to win a position in a very loyal way as it has always been. That will do the team good.”

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