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Chamber denies inquiries about TEPJF; they go on fast track

Claudia Salazar and Martha Martínez/Agencia Reforma

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 | 15:47

Mexico City.- The president of the Political Coordination Board of the Chamber of Deputies, Ignacio Mier, denied the possibility of a consultation on the reform of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judiciary of the Federation, as requested by the electoral magistrates, and announced that this afternoon will approve the opinion.

The president of the Electoral Tribunal, Reyes Rodríguez, demanded that the deputies dialogue and review the constitutional reform that limits the powers of the body.

However, to the demand for dialogue and to review the reform, Jucopo’s response was to make some changes to the draft opinion and at 4:00 p.m. to fast track the opinion in the Constitutional Points Commission.

Upon leaving the meeting of the Political Coordination Board, the Morena coordinator ruled out that there could be further consultations or an open parliament to review the reform promoted by the two legislative blocks of San Lázaro.

He cited that there was already a dialogue with the magistrates about the powers of the Court and that they accepted that they should legislate on affirmative actions, given the gaps in the legislation.

“We have everything that they shared with us, we already have it, compiled from more than 10 years of sentences,” he said, ruling out that there is a consultation period.

He affirmed that the rights of women and vulnerable groups that have been recognized with affirmative actions, based on the Court’s rulings, will be guaranteed.

He guaranteed that there will be no less representation than what is currently expressed in the 65th Legislature on gender parity and spaces for indigenous people, migrants, people with disabilities and sexual diversity.

However, Mier did not elaborate on the impact of the other concepts of the reform, such as limiting the powers of interpretation of the Court in internal affairs of the parties.

Ignacio Mier avoided answering repeated questions about whether, with the constitutional reform, leaders like Mario Delgado, from Morena, or PRI leader Alejandro Moreno, will be able to stay longer in their leadership positions, because the Electoral Tribunal will be prevented from deciding on challenges to militants on the definition of party leaderships.

-With this reform, is Mario Delgado going to stay another year?, he was asked several times.

“The Court will decide that based on its powers,” he said about the project in the Court with which Morena’s decision to extend the period of the general secretary and president of Morena until 2024, based on the current attributions, but without indicating if the leadership of Delgado would be saved with the reform.

Asked if the Court could apply the gender alternation criteria, as happened in the sentence to order a quintet of only women in the election of the INE Presidency, Mier replied that “that is another story.”

He assured that the constitutional principles of gender parity and substantive equality will be respected.

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