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Chamber of Deputies: The simple motion against the Minister of Health, debated on Monday; the vote – Wednesday

The Chamber of Deputies will debate, on Monday, the simple motion against the Minister of Health Alexandru Rafila, and the vote will be given on Wednesday, notes Agerpres.

Marcel Ciolacu and Alexandru RafilaPhoto: Inquam Photos / Sabin Cirstoveanu

The meeting is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m.

The simple motion, titled “Minister Rafila – the lazy and cynical tourist who leaves Romania without hospitals”, is signed by 56 deputies of USR and the Forza Dreptei party.

The initiators of the motion ask the Minister of Health to resign, “so that Romania has the chance to have new hospitals, not unsanitary hospitals”, and patients, doctors and nurses have the chance “to the truth” in the health system.

“Alexandru Rafila must leave, because he cannot justify his wealth of over 3 million euros. Alexandru Rafila must leave, so that Romania has the chance to have new hospitals, not unsanitary nurseries. Alexandru Rafila must leave, for so that patients, doctors and nurses have a chance for the truth in the healthcare system. Alexandru Rafila has to go, because he doesn’t care. Alexandru Rafila has to go, because he doesn’t want to, he can’t and, in other words, it annoys him that he must work. Alexandru Rafila must go. And not to New York, Cuba or Geneva, on trips paid for by all of us. Alexandru Rafila must go home!”, they claim in the document.

According to the initiators, the motion is “a cry of revolt” because, never in its recent history, health in Romania has had a PSD minister “so weak and careless towards the needs of patients and the health system”.

“Sure, PSD also appointed a Minister of Health and a former plagiarist stretcher bearer and a former hospital administrator caught in the act of bribery. But who imagined that it could get worse, especially when you see Alexandru Rafila’s CV? In contrast of other PSD ministers, Alexandru Rafila came as a specialist commentator on public health and will leave as a gravedigger of the Romanian health system. Undoubtedly the man of the system, Minister Rafila has held various positions, honorary or not, in the state apparatus. It cannot be said that he lacks administrative experience, being recognized in this sense. On paper, we have a Minister of Health decorated twice with the ‘Sanitary Order’ in the rank of Knight and later in the rank of Officer, we quote , ‘in appreciation for the entire activity, as well as for the important results obtained in the improvement of the medical act’. In reality, we have a stinking polytrick at Health. An impostor. An incompetent and a luxury tourist in exotic countries”, it is stated in the text of the simple motion.

The signatories of the motion also say that Rafila has been refusing for more than two years to make the rules for the application of the Stop Nosocomial Law and “he has made the Cancer Plan” “without any empathy and consideration for oncology patients”.

They claim that Rafila “completely cut off” the funding from PNRR for the project of a transplant center in Cluj, given that the Transplant Institute in Cluj-Napoca operates in an unauthorized bridge.

They state that absolutely all county ambulance services are run by interim managers, with appointments every six months, by order of Minister Rafila, the staff being insufficient and overworked, and the old ambulances, “some 10-15 years old, with over 1 million kilometers traveled”.

The document also claims that none of the hospital beds in Romania meet the criteria to treat major burns, noting that “Minister Rafila refuses to make reforms”, “Romania is losing money from the PNRR for hospitals and equipment – 740 million euro”, and investments in prehospital medicine are behind schedule

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