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Champagne baseball?

New exciting dance of figures in the news feed of the baseball diamond already in the middle of January still hot.

It even seems that we are taking away our partner’s topic David Paramo with so many figures; don’t worry, there won’t be a Father of Baseball Analysis.

Among the earnings of the entire Major League Baseball system the previous year, the multi-mentioned contract Belt and, no way not to mention it, the greed of the big show. Between 10.8 and 10.900 million dollars generated by the Major League Baseball industry, speaking of non-net profits, and that is where we find a topic of great interest.

The NET earnings would be revealing the impact from the salaries of the major league players, not only the most expensive free agents, payrolls in general, as well as operating expenses, including the logistics part.

In any case, exceeding the 10.7 billion dollars generated in 2019 means a great triumph, since they are recovering from two years of a brutal impact of a pandemic which we do not know for sure if (perhaps China) will return with some new impact.

Wait, good numbers? Here comes the not so nice: from the public opinion, the owners of the teams are almost being eaten alive, the same ones who before this season complained about the money, clamored for people to go to the stadium and consume the official products.

What a mess, then we have a kind of disconnection between the data, the situation and… the future?

Something devastating comes with the data on how fan attendance at stadiums has dropped for NINE consecutive seasons, ok, we repeat the possible weight of the covid factor; We have insistently pointed out what is related to “fewer fans in the stands, but more dollars in the coffers.”

So yes, the powerful digital platform of MLB TV (with all its products) is working brutally well, since fans of various nationalities are contributing their capital in this way, at least it seems so, because even there it could have a more determined value.

Coinciding with the renewal of broadcasting rights with ESPN, FOX and TBS, adding Apple and NBC, he got an MLB platform in ’22.

Without detracting from the above, the greed with which Major League Baseball continues to treat its OWN branches is inexplicable.

All this context of enormous amounts generates news like the one that Carlos Correa ALWAYS DOES stay with the Twins with a contract of 200 million dollars: it’s the economy, baseball players!

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