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CHAN 2022: ignored by CAF, Morocco raises the suspense

The Royal Moroccan Football Federation has not received any response to its request to CAF regarding a direct Rabat-Constantine flight to take part in CHAN-2022 which will take place in Algeria. Between boycotting or taking part in the competition, she has not yet decided anything.

The Royal Moroccan Football Federation has threatened to boycott CHAN-2022 which will take place in Algeria. And for good reason, it demanded from our country the opening of a direct flight to be able to reach Constantine from Rabat, given that Royal Air Maroc is prohibited from flying over Algerian airspace.

The FRMF seized the CAF two weeks ago. But she did not receive any response to her request. As the tournament kicks off on Friday, the participation of the neighboring country remains uncertain. Indeed, it is not yet known if he will take part.

Morocco’s participation in CHAN 2022: decision tomorrow?

Still awaiting a response from the first instance of African football, the Royal Moroccan Football Federation should take the necessary decision tomorrow, Thursday January 12. That is, either take part in CHAN-2022 or boycott it.

“The deadline for the response deadline is midnight today, and tomorrow we will make the final decision on the matter.” Confided a source of the FRMF to the Moroccan media “Hespress”.

Remember that Algeria is categorical on this subject. Indeed, the president of the local organizing committee of CHAN, Rachid Oukali, affirmed that there is no question of authorizing the delegation to join the city of Constantine via a direct flight. “We are obliged to ensure the movement of teams only on national territory. There is no mention in the specifications that a direct flight must be made available to the teams. Moreover, several African delegations will make stopovers”.

Ditto for the Minister of Youth and Sports, Abderrazak Sebgag. “Nobody dares to blackmail Algeria which is a sovereign country. In other words, the affairs of sovereignty cannot be negotiated…Algeria is a hospitable country which respects all its guests. They will all be entitled to a warm welcome, while respecting the specifications of CAF”.

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