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CHAN 2022: Infantino impressed by Nelson Mandela Stadium

Among the notable presences at the opening ceremony of CHAN-2022 is that of FIFA President Gianni Infantino. The latter gave his impressions about the ceremony but also about the new Nelson Madela stadium in Baraki.

It was last Friday that the kick-off of CHAN-2022, which takes place in Algeria, was given. The opening ceremony took place at the new Nelson Mandela Stadium (Baraki). The least we can say is that it was spectacular and the show was assured.

As expected, several emblematic figures and African football stars marked their presence at the opening ceremony. We cite in particular the presence of the FIFA President Gianni Infantino. The latter gave his impressions about the opening ceremony but also about the new Nelson Mandela stadium.

“A jewel that perfectly meets global standards”, launches Infantino

Indeed, the FIFA President says he is very happy to be able to attend the said ceremony. “I was really happy to be able to attend the opening ceremony of CHAN. We were treated to a warm welcome from the President of the Algerian Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune. In the presence of the president of the CAF and that of the FAF, it made me a great honor to mark my presence”. He will say straight away, in an exclusive statement granted to national television.

Continuing his statement, the president of the first instance of international football talks about the new Nelson Mandela stadium. A real gem that fully meets global standards. “I really appreciated Algeria’s initiative to name its new stadium Nelson Mandela. He is a great global personality and not only African. It’s a big stadium in the true sense of the word. Really, it fully meets global standards. This reflects the emblem of “La nouvelle Algérie”. A new Algeria open to the future and to youth”. he will say.

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