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Changeable weekend: clouds, wind and isolated rain in Berlin and Brandenburg

People in Berlin and Brandenburg have to expect changeable weather and gusts of wind at the weekend. It rains in some areas, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Friday. Accordingly, the day starts cloudy and rainy at first. Around noon it clears up a bit and it gets clear at times.

Towards the afternoon and evening the clouds thicken again and there will be local showers and gusts of wind. The maximum temperatures are between nine and twelve degrees. During the night it will remain cloudy and it will rain in places, only towards Saturday morning will the rain subside. It cools down to lows of between five and seven degrees.

Saturday also begins cloudy, but clearer sections are expected in the south of Berlin. As the day progresses, dense clouds gather and it rains, especially in western Brandenburg. Towards the evening there are also gusts of wind – with maximum values ​​between eight and ten degrees. In the night to Sunday it will remain changeable, with the rain easing a little. The temperatures are between five and seven degrees.

According to the forecast, it will continue to be cloudy on Sunday. Temporarily cheerful sections should also occur. It will remain mostly dry throughout the day – only in the south and east of Brandenburg will there be short showers. Wind gusts ensure a fresh south-west wind, according to the DWD there are sometimes stormy gusts. The maximum values ​​during the day are between eight and ten degrees. During the night there will be local rain showers and some clouds – it will cool down to a fresh three degrees. (dpa)

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