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Changes for citizens in January 2023: citizen’s income, tobacco tax, emergency representation law and more

  • changes for citizens in January 2023
  • Reusable packaging, supply chain law, new euro coins: that will change for consumers in the first month of the new year
  • Changes in work, wages & taxes: These new regulations will apply from January 2023
  • News in healthcare: Emergency Representation Act comes into force
  • News for drivers: You have to take this into account from the beginning of 2023

The new year is not far away and with it the first legal changes that citizens will have to prepare for from January 2023. This includes, for example, a new reusable obligation for restaurants, bistros and cafés, changes to the euro coins, as well as in the areas of work, wages and taxes. We present the most important January changes in this overview. You can find even more innovations in the overview of changes for the whole year 2023 here – Child benefit, health insurance, housing allowance – all this will change in the new year.

Reusable packaging & Co.: That will change in January 2023 consumers


From January 1, 2023, one will apply Reusable for restaurants, bistros and cafés, which states that all products must also be offered in reusable packaging. The product in the reusable packaging must not be more expensive than the product in the disposable packaging. However, the owners are allowed to take a deposit for the reusable packaging. The only exceptions to this obligation are snack bars, kiosks and late-night shops.

Supply chain law comes into force

On January 1, 2023, the Supply Chain Act will come into force, which is primarily intended to remind companies of their responsibility and to prevent child or forced labor and environmental destruction. The law will initially apply to all companies with 3,000 or more employees, and from 2024 it will also apply to companies with 1,000 or more employees.

Change euro coins

In 2023, there will not only be financial changes for citizens in their wallets, the euro will also change: new euro coins will be put into circulation from January 2023. This has to do with Croatia joining the EU on January 1st, which is why new Croatian coins will be minted.

Changes in work, wages & taxes in January 2023

citizen money

Hartz IV will no longer exist from January 1, 2023, but the citizen’s income will be available instead: Not only will the standard rate be increased, but numerous other innovations will also be implemented. Among other things, sanctions are to be abolished, the protective assets are to be increased and a “further training allowance” and a “citizen’s allowance bonus” are to be introduced.

Electronic certificate of incapacity to work instead of the “yellow slip”

From January 2023, the obligation to submit an electronic certificate of incapacity for work (eAU) will also apply – which all employees can look forward to. In the future, the inability to work will no longer be certified in paper form, but will be sent electronically by the doctor’s office to the health insurance company. You can find more information about this in our article.

increase in child benefit

From January 1, 2023 child benefit will also increase – and much more so than originally planned: As it became known on November 9th, 2022, “the traffic light will go one step further when it comes to relieving families,” said SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich. According to information from the German Press Agency, the traffic light groups agreed to increase state support uniformly to 250 euros per month on January 1st. That would be 31 euros more than before for the first two children. The Bundestag is to vote on the new sum as early as Thursday (November 10, 2022).

Originally it was planned to increase the child benefit by only 18 euros per month for the first and second child and by 12 euros per month for the third and further children. All in all, this would have resulted in 432 euros more money per year for a family with two children, and 576 euros more per year for a family with three children. But these plans are now obsolete, as the increase is significantly larger than initially planned.

Increase in child allowance

Of the Child allowance will also be increased – from currently 5,620 euros to 5,760 euros from January 2023. This allowance is determined by the tax office when the income tax return is submitted.

tobacco tax

In order to “continue to ensure the health policy steering effect”, the Federal Ministry of Finance is gradually increasing the tax on tobacco. Between 2022 and 2026, the price of a pack of cigarettes (20 pieces) will increase by an average of eight cents a year. The pack of fine cut and the minimum tax for cigars/cigarillos and pipe tobacco will also be adjusted.

Change in the top tax rate

From the January 1, 2023 the top tax rate will also increase: This will be increased by more than 3,000 euros to 61,972 euros/year in 2023. However, the tax rate for the wealthy, which starts from an income of 277,836 euros, remains the same.

health insurance contribution

The Corona crisis showed it: Health is important – and expensive. That is why health insurance contributions will also increase in 2023 as part of the GKV Financial Stabilization Act, to an average of 16.2 percent of gross wages. The contribution rate is currently 14.6 percent, the reduced contribution rate is 14 percent. So there will be a very significant increase in the health insurance contribution rate, which one or the other will certainly notice in their wallets.

News in healthcare: Emergency Representation Act comes into force

Emergency Representation Act from January 1, 2023

As of January 1, 2023, spouses in certain a right of representation in emergency situations, if these fall within the realm of health care. However, this right only applies if the spouses have not stipulated any other arrangements for mutual representation, such as in a power of attorney.

The new law creates the possibility for a maximum of six months to make decisions on health matters for the other person. Treating physicians are then released from their duty of confidentiality and may provide information.

News for drivers: You have to take this into account from the beginning of 2023

No more e-car premium for plug-in hybrids

From January 1, 2023 there is no more funding for plug-in hybrids and the subsidy level for purely electric cars will also drop from 2023. Anyone who is now toying with the idea of ​​quickly buying an electric car or a plug-in hybrid in order to pocket the current subsidy will unfortunately be disappointed: with the current delivery times, it is rather unlikely that the car will arrive in time to be registered later this year.

View electric car charging cable and charging box on Amazon

The following changes are still awaiting us in 2023:

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