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Charges against a man who allegedly assaulted a bailiff in a Ponce court

Charges against a man who allegedly assaulted a bailiff in a Ponce court

The Department of Justice filed charges Thursday against Ernesto Ruiz Romero, 35 years old and a resident of Ponce for allegedly assaulting a bailiff in the middle of an intervention in the Ponce Court.

As reported by the complainant, he intervened with the defendant and he refused to leave the facilities, and immediately afterwards assaulted him in the facial area.

In this case, the prosecutor Alberto Flores was consulted, who indicated that a charge would be filed for article 284 of conspiracy, threats or attacks against officials of the Justice System or their relatives.

This case was presented by the prosecutor Flores in the presence of Judge María Vázquez of the Mayagüez Court, who after evaluating the evidence presented, determined a case against Ruiz Romero and imposed a $350,000 bond on him, which was not provided. for which he was admitted to the Las Cucharas correctional complex in Ponce.

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