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Charly & Johayron visit children admitted to a pediatric hospital


Charly & Johayron They visited children admitted to a pediatric hospital this weekend, an action for which many of their followers on social networks have filled them with praise.

On their official Instagram profile, the artists published several photos with the children, with relatives and the institution’s medical staff.

“Normally we shouldn’t upload this to the networks, but we feel so good to have brought a drop of love to these little angels and their families and to get even a smile. Life becomes complicated sometimes, but everything comes out. A lot of faith ”, she reads herself in the post.

Although the popular Cuban duo did not specify in their Instagram posts which institution they went to, from the images it appears to be the oncology ward of the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey, in addition to the fact that this weekend they offered concerts in that province.

Of course, there was no shortage of gifts, the artists arrived at the place accompanied by stuffed animals and toys for the little ones.

However, this special moment was not only for the children, the artists also took a lot from this visit.

“You are big! What great strength and inspiration you gave us in just a few minutes. We love you,” he wrote. the charly in one of his stories in a photo with one of the children.

Capture Instagram / El Charly

If something struck the reggaeton players, it was the smiles of the children, who, even hospitalized and having to fight their illnesses, manage to bring out the joy of these ages.

Capture Instagram / El Charly

Charly & Johayron’s publication has more than 24,000 likes and 300 comments, and although some of their followers thought that it is not something they should share on the networks, most celebrated that they had a gesture of this type.

In recent days Charly & Johayron have been the subject of much criticism for leave a concert in the middle in a bar in Havana, and although they offered an apology through the networks, they later deleted the publication but they had already received many questions.

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