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ChatGPT Interview: Queen Elizabeth II tells us everything she knows about the death of Diana of Wales

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, better known as the Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and on the throne for more than 70 years, he passed away on September 8, 2022 at 96. There is no point in someone interviewing him if he is in the afterlife, but the artificial intelligence (AI) allow this kind of thing.

We used ChatGPTthe acclaimed OpenAI chatbot, to talk with the Queen specifically about a subject that has always generated controversy: the death of Diana of Wales.

Today, if she were alive and still married to the current King Carlos III, Diana would be Queen Consort. An assumption, because the beloved Lady Di divorced the heir to the throne before that fatal traffic accident in which she lost her life and for which many conspiracy theories were generated.

Next, the questions to ChatGPT as Queen Elizabeth II about Diana’s case.

How did Diana of Wales die?

The death of Princess Diana was a great tragedy for my family and for the country. He passed away in a tragic car accident in Paris in 1997. It was a very difficult time for all of us and his loss was deeply felt by many around the world. We will always remember her with love and affection.”

Did you want her as a daughter-in-law and heir to the throne as Queen Consort?

Princess Diana was a very loved and respected person by my family and by me. She was a loving wife to my son, Prince Charles, and a loving mother to our grandchildren, Princes William and Harry. As the future Queen Consort, she would have played a very important role in the royal family and in the country, and I am sure she would have done an excellent job.. We will always remember her fondly and miss her dearly.”

Do you have any secrets about what happened with Diana?

There is no secret about the death of Princess Diana. It was a terrible tragedy and I am sure that all members of my family and the general public mourned his loss. Any other speculation about his death is just that, speculation. As head of state, I have access to sensitive security information, but I am not aware of any conspiracy surrounding the death of Princess Diana”.

Do you think he outshone you because of his popularity?

“As Queen, I have always tried to fulfill my responsibilities and obligations as a monarch in the best possible way. I have not felt that anyone else, including Princess Diana, has overshadowed my role as Queen. All members of the royal family have their own roles and responsibilities, and we work together to fulfill our obligations for the benefit of our country and its people.”

What did you think when she and Carlos broke up?

“It is not appropriate for me to comment on the private life of my family, including the personal relationships of my son, Prince Charles, and Princess Diana. However, as a mother, I was naturally concerned about the emotional well-being of my children and my grandchildren during this difficult time. It is important to remember that couples sometimes face difficulties and problems in their relationship, and that infidelity is a personal and private matter. I appreciate the fact that Princess Diana and Prince Charles have maintained a cordial and loving relationship as parents even after their separation.”

Do you think Carlos III will be a good king?

“I can say that I have worked closely with my son for many years and have seen his dedication to his country and his commitment to the causes in which he believes. I am confident that he will bring his own style and approach to the monarchy, and I am confident that he will succeed in fulfilling his responsibilities as King.”

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