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ChatGPT Interview: Stephen Hawking tells us what he thinks of Elon Musk and his ambition to conquer Mars

would you have liked to read Stephen Hawking’s views on current affairs Elon Musk? The British theoretical physicist needs no introduction: also a cosmologist, he was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, United Kingdom, he died in Cambridge on March 14, 2018, and during his life he was a key man for science.

Hawking conducted research and published on topics such as quantum physics, general relativity, cosmology, and quantum gravity. He was known for his work on the theory of black holes and for popularizing the science through books and public talks.

Meanwhile, Musk has brooded over his greatest ambition in the field of rocket science: the conquest of mars. About, we have asked the artificial intelligence (AI) of ChatGPT to respond to us as if it were Hawkingasking about the CEO of Tesla, Twitter and SpaceX.

What is your overall opinion of Elon Musk?

I admire Elon Musk’s work in the aerospace industry and electric vehicle technology. His bold vision and commitment to innovation have led to significant advances in the field of technology and have opened up new possibilities in space exploration. However, I have also expressed some concern about his proposals to establish human colonies on Mars.”.

Why do you care about his desire to conquer Mars?

My concern about Elon Musk’s desire to conquer Mars is based on several reasons. First of all, I think we need to focus on protecting and preserving our own planet before looking for other places to live. Earth is our home and is the only planet we know of that is capable of supporting life as we know it..

Second, there are significant technical and environmental challenges associated with colonizing Mars. It is an extremely difficult and expensive task to send humans to Mars, and once there, the colonists would face a number of challenges, including the lack of a breathable atmosphere, radiation, lack of water, and the need to create a sustainable ecosystem for them. survive.

Lastly, there are also ethical concerns about exploring and colonizing other planets. Do we have the right to exploit and colonize other planets without considering how it would affect any life that may exist there? These are important questions that we must address before venturing into the colonization of other planets.”.

Do you think that one day man will land on Mars?

Yes, I believe that one day man will land on Mars. From my work as a theoretical physicist and my knowledge of space exploration, I am convinced that it is technically possible to send manned missions to Mars and establish a human presence on the red planet.”.

Do you think the same about colonizing the Moon?

My opinion on the colonization of the Moon is similar to my opinion on the colonization of Mars. While the Moon is a closer and technically more feasible target than Mars, there are still environmental and ethical concerns to consider. The Moon lacks a protective atmosphere and is exposed to intense solar and cosmic radiation, posing challenges for long-term human survival. Furthermore, it is a unique and important celestial object in our solar system, with significant scientific value as a research object and as a historical record of the early solar system.”.

What do you think of death?

As a theoretical physicist, I studied the concepts of relativity and quantum mechanics that provide a deeper understanding of the universe and its fundamental laws. From that perspective, death is a natural and inevitable process that is part of the cycle of life in the universe. I believe that the best way to approach death is to live each day with fullness and appreciation, to seek truth and knowledge, and to make our best contribution to the world and to humanity.”.

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