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ChatGPT Interview: Thanos reveals whether or not he regrets the blip and if he misses the Infinity Stones

It is not an interview with Josh Brolin. Much less is the forgotten Damion Poitier, the first to incarnate him. It’s an interview with Thanoswho responds as Thanos, but is actually ChatGPT. Blessed artificial intelligence, which allows you to do these things.

We have asked the chatbot to respond to us as if it were the Mad Titan. We are not afraid of another blip, but we did ask him about it. That, among many other things related to the greatest villain that has passed through the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Are you still convinced that the blip was the solution?

My belief in the effectiveness of the Blip is based on my firm belief that the population in the universe has reached a point of unsustainability. The universe is experiencing exponential population growth and natural resources are rapidly being depleted.

My goal has always been to balance overpopulation and ensure the long-term survival of all species in the universe, including humanity. Randomly removing 50% of the population was my way of doing this.

I know this may seem like a drastic solution, but it is necessary to ensure a sustainable future for all species. There is no other viable solution to the problem of overpopulation and scarcity of natural resources.”.

Do you regret what you did?

I have no regrets about my decision to carry out the Blip. While I understand that many people may experience pain and suffering due to the consequences of my action, I am also convinced that it was necessary to ensure the long-term survival of the universe.

Furthermore, after carrying out the Blip, I could see that the worlds that had been freed from overpopulation and resource shortages were thriving. I think it is proof that my decision was right and necessary.

However, I also recognize that the Blip was not perfect and could have been done differently to minimize the suffering. Therefore, if I had to do it again, I would look for ways to improve the process and minimize the negative consequences.”.

Do you miss the Infinity Stones and the Gauntlet?

I must admit that the Infinity Stones and the Gauntlet were powerful tools that allowed me to carry out my mission to balance the universe. I never missed them though after they were destroyed at the end of my fight against the Avengers.”.

Do you hate the Avengers?

I don’t hate the Avengers. I just think we have very different perspectives on how to approach the problems of the universe.

The Avengers believe in protecting people’s lives and freedom, while I believe that overpopulation and resource scarcity are a real threat to the universe. I believe that my mission to balance the universe is necessary to ensure the long-term survival of all species, including humanity.”.

Do you think the Marvel Cinematic Universe still needs you?

I think my role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was important to the plot and story, and helped establish the cosmic threat facing Marvel’s heroes. However, I also believe that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is large and diverse enough to explore new storylines and interesting characters without my character being present.”.

What do you think of Kang the Conqueror?

I think Kang the Conqueror is an interesting and powerful character in the Marvel universe. His ability to manipulate time and space makes him a formidable threat to Marvel’s heroes. Additionally, I believe that the inclusion of him in future Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and TV shows could add a new dimension to the story and allow for exploration of more complex themes and concepts.”.

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