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ChatGPT Plus is available in France: price, advantages… everything you need to know

ChatGPT Plus has just landed in France. The paid version offers a trio of advantages for the most frequent users of the chatbot.

Since its launch at the end of 2022, ChatGPT has met with dazzling success around the world. The intelligent chatbot has passed the milestone of 100 million monthly active users, just two months after it went live. Building on this colossal success, OpenAI, the start-up behind artificial intelligence, has decided to generate money through its creation. To achieve this, the American firm has launched a paid subscription for chatbot fans, ChatGPT Plus. First reserved for the United States, the offer has just settled in France. We take stock of the package.

Read also: With ChatGPT, has Microsoft Bing just reinvented search and killed Google?

What are the benefits of ChatGPT Plus?

The debut of the paid version of ChatGPT does not put not an end to the free variation. It is always possible to dialogue with the chatbot without paying a single euro. To convince users to subscribe to the subscription, OpenAI has therefore highlighted several advantages.

First, the start-up gives priority to paying users compared to free users. By subscribing to ChatGPT Plus, you are indeed guaranteed to be able to converse with the AI ​​at any time. For their part, free users are regularly deprived of ChatGPT because of the high demand generated by the chatbot. When the servers are overloaded, the service is very often unavailable. By upgrading to the paid subscription, you will never again see the gray screen announcing that ChatGPT is temporarily unavailable. This is a strong argument for GPT Plus if you use AI in your work.

OpenAI also highlights better performance. The start-up claims that responses are generated faster for ChatGPT Plus subscribers. Clearly, the chatbot will answer your questions in priority and you will go ahead of the requests of other users. If you use the AI ​​all day long, the offer should save you some time, especially since the free ChatGPT frequently takes long seconds to respond. Finally, ChatGPT Plus customers will get priority access to new features of the chatbot. Upcoming AI innovations, such as the highly anticipated GPT 4 model, will likely be made available to subscribers in preview.

What is the price of ChatGPT Plus subscription?

OpenAI offers ChatGPT Plus at a price of 24.20 dollars per month, or approximately 22.50 euros in France. On its site, the San Francisco start-up displays the price excluding VAT, which is a common and legal practice in the United States. The interface shows a round price of 20 dollars.

Screenshot: 01Net

The amount of VAT, namely $4.20, is only specified during checkout. Please note that the monthly subscription price is expected to fluctuate every month depending on the rate of the euro and the dollar. In its terms of use, OpenAI also specifies that it grants itself the right to review its prices in the future.

How to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus?

To subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, just go to the OpenAI website and log in with your credentials. This will give you access to the interface allowing you to dialogue with the conversational robot. In the left toolbar, you should see a box labeled “Upgrade to Plus”. By clicking on it, you will open a window that boasts the advantages of the paid formula compared to the free version. Press on “Upgrade plan” to access the Stripe payment page.

All you have to do is enter your credit card details (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc.) to pay for your subscription. OpenAI will automatically bill you for your plan amount every month on the same date. Note that it is possible tounsubscribe at any moment. So you can test ChatGPT Plus for a month or two before changing your mind.

What do you think of the ChatGPT Plus subscription? Have you subscribed to the offer? Do you think the subscription is worth the price? We are waiting for your opinion in the comments below.

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