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ChatGPT remains a central technology theme

Every day, something new about ChatGPT appears promising to solve some problems and creating many more. In this program, we’re going to catch up on news about technology. Google has finally started testing Bard, its version of the search engine that includes artificial intelligence features and more. Along with that, we even mentioned the arrival of ChatGPT 4 in a program here. After its release, the resource has already fallen into the hands of users and we tell you what you can do with it, in addition to chatting, of course.

This is the Canaltech Podcast, published from Tuesday to Saturday, at 7 am on our website and on podcast aggregators.

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This episode was scripted, hosted and edited by Wagner Wakka. The program also featured reports by Renan da Silva Dores, Giovana Pignati, Alveni Lisboa and Victor Carvalho. The audio review is by Gabriel Rimi and Mari Capetinga. The soundtrack is a creation of Guilherme Zomer and the cover of this program is made by Erick Teixeira.

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