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ChatGPT: Russian hackers are already using it to carry out their attacks

ChatGPT is blocked in Russia but that doesn’t stop hackers from devising schemes to circumvent geo-blocking. Some hackers want at all costs to take advantage of the famous chatbot to carry out their malicious actions.

ChatGPT, a new toy for Russian hackers © Unsplash

ChatGPT is a powerful artificial intelligence capable of generating all kinds of texts. And the AI ​​is not allergic to lines of code. So much so that the chatbot has already been requisitioned by hackers to create malware and write phishing emails. According to Checkpoint researchers, a hacker boasted on a forum that he used ChatGPT to “recreating malware strains”. The hacker notably compressed and shared data-stealing Android malware.

And that’s just the beginning according to a Check Point executive who outlines his main fears:

  • The ChatGPT logs given on the forums are likely to arouse vocations among incompetent cybercriminals.
  • More seasoned hackers are hard at work optimizing the malicious use of artificial intelligence even further.

ChatGPT, an improvement for hackers

Also according to Check Point experts, Russian hackers are not left out. Faced with the geo-blocking of ChatGPT in their regions, they are looking for schemes to use the chatbot. On underground hacking forums, several hackers share their methods to circumvent the restrictions. Some suggest using stolen bank credentials and going through an online SMS service to access ChatGPT, which now has the right to a paid version.

“We believe that these hackers are most likely trying to implement and test ChatGPT in their daily criminal operations. Cybercriminals are increasingly interested in ChatGPT because its underlying AI technology can make a hacker more profitable”underlines Sergey Shykevic, Threat Intelligence Group Manager at Check Point.

As the program grows in popularity, hackers are also developing scam versions of ChatGPT that they charge high prices for on app stores.

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