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ChatGPT: what is it for and what can it do?

THE ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence platform that has revolutionized the market in several segments. With it, it is possible to translate texts, rewrite articles, produce stories from scratch, ask for advice, answer questions and even schedule daily tasks, all intelligently and as good as if it were created by a human. In this article we will show you ChatGPT in action.

First of all, it is good to understand what we are talking about. For those who don’t know, the ChatGPT It is a tool based on artificial intelligence GPT 3.5created and developed by Open AIa San Francisco-based company that was founded by a group of entrepreneurs in 2015, including Elon Musk himself.

What is ChatGPT used for?

ChatGPT can automate repetitive tasks, produce content and even write academic articles. For now, all these features are available for free. Here are some examples of what you can do with ChatGPT:

Generate answers to questions

ChatGPT can answer questions

ChatGPT can answer questions accurately and coherently, using prior context to generate more accurate answers.

automated writing

ChatGPT also writes poems

ChatGPT can be used to write text from a title or summary, or to complete incomplete sentences or paragraphs. An example of this is a man who took just 72 hours to write a book about the friendship between a robot and a girl named Sparkle & Alice.

text summary

ChatGPT also makes summaries of books, texts and movies

ChatGPT can be used to summarize long and complex texts into short and precise summaries.

Generate automated content

For those who create daily content, ChatGPT is a hand on the wheel

ChatGPT can be used to generate automated content for websites, blogs and other media, allowing content creators to save time and effort.

automated translation

We translated an excerpt from the book The Lord of the Rings

ChatGPT can be used to automatically translate languages.

dialog generation

You can teach chatbos and virtual assistants using ChatGPT templates

ChatGPT can be used to create automated dialogs for chatbots or virtual assistants.

sentiment analysis

See what ChatGPT says about the recent case of player Daniel Alves, accused of sexual abuse in Spain

ChatGPT can be used to analyze the sentiment in a text, identifying whether it is positive, negative or neutral.

Other natural language related tasks

ChatGPT excels at extracting information

ChatGPT can be used for other natural language related tasks such as generating topics, classifying text and extracting information.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT was developed from an artificial intelligence model

ChatGPT is based on a language model trained on millions of text examples from the internet. It uses a technique known as “deep learning”, where a neural network is trained to recognize patterns in input data. This includes generating answers to questions, writing texts from a title or summary, and even completing incomplete sentences or paragraphs.

When you ask a question or enter text, the model analyzes the input text and uses what it learned during training to generate an answer or continue the text. The model is also able to remember the previous context and use it to generate more accurate and coherent answers.

What are the limitations of ChatGPT?

According to ChatGPT, Pelé is still alive

ChatGPT is an advanced language model, but it still has some limitations. Some of these limitations include:

  • Limited knowledge: ChatGPT was trained with millions of examples of text, but the accuracy of its responses has to do with the data it was trained with. He does not have specific knowledge about all topics and may not be able to answer very specific questions.
  • Outdated information: As ChatGPT had its internet connection turned off in 2021, any event that has occurred since then will not be taken into account by ChatGPT. An example was when I asked about the eternal King Pelé, who left us in early 2023, but ChatGPT claims he is still alive.
  • Not aware: It is obvious that ChatGPT has no consciousness, it is just a neural network with an advanced natural language processing capability and it does not have the ability to feel, think or experience like humans. So not always what he will say about human life will make any sense.

Even with these limitations, ChatGPT is a valuable tool to help answer questions, generate text, and perform other tasks.

And you, have you used ChatGPT to make your life easier? Leave your comment!

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