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ChatGPT will become paid, and it’s up to you to decide the price

All good things have an end. OpenAI has just announced on its Discord server that it “beginning to think about how to monetize ChatGPT to ensure long-term viability”. And since there is clearly no question of adopting an advertising model, a paid offer should see the light of day with a package that would take the name ChatGPT Professional.

What price do you want to pay for ChatGPT?

For now, we do not know the price or the launch date of this new offer. However, we know that ChatGPT Professional should always be accessible, even when the service is busy. This is particularly appreciable, when we know that the platform is regularly overloaded, because it is a victim of its success.

Another advantage, it will be possible to publish an unlimited number of messages while a limit could be added in the free version, if it is maintained. For the time being, OpenAI explains that its program is only at the experimental stage and invites those interested to register on the waiting list.

The latter is accompanied by a Google Doc survey to better understand the intentions of the public. This questionnaire is similar to a commercial study. In particular, it is requested: “At what monthly price would you consider ChatGPT to be so expensive that you wouldn’t consider subscribing?” ».

Another question : “At what price would you consider the price of ChatGPT to be so low that you feel the quality can’t be matched?” » Or, on a scale of 1 to 5: “How upset would you be if you couldn’t use ChatGPT anymore?” »

It will be understood, the party is soon over, and OpenAI will not be able to offer its free and unlimited version to the general public forever. Especially since the processing of requests is excessively expensive and it is therefore necessary to find a solution to ensure the financing of the service.

Microsoft and Google react to the ChatGPT bomb

In this context, it is Microsoft that could do well by integrating ChatGPT into its Bing search engine for free. The general public could thus freely use AI to obtain answers to their queries.

The Redmond firm also plans to add this powerful tool to its Word, Powerpoint, and Excel software. He could in particular write certain developments, or answer e-mails. It should be noted that Microsoft strongly believes in the potential of these technologies and wishes to become one of the main shareholders of OpenAI.

For its part, Google should counter-attack and offer its own version of ChatGPT soon. The Tech giant would have asked its teams to work on an alternative, and there is no shortage of internal talent to fulfill such a mission.

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