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Checked out by Justin Bieber

– It’s absolutely sick, but also very funny, says artist Carina Dahl to God kveld Norge.

It was at Harm & Hegseth on VGTV Dahl first mentioned the incident.

– I was checked up by Justin Bieber, she told the programme.

In 2017, she was at the Summerburst festival in Stockholm, and was looking forward to Bieber performing the next day.

Later, she went to a bar and restaurant that she describes as an “It place”, but decided to go home early to save energy for tomorrow’s events.

– I was walking alone along the bar, and suddenly he grabbed my arm.

– Looked like an idiot

Dahl, who was then 33 years old, could hardly believe her eyes when she saw that it was Justin Bieber who had stopped her.

– He asked where we were going out, and where I was going out. I couldn’t speak for myself. I was really just going home to go to bed, but I didn’t want to tell him that, says Dahl to Good evening Norway.

The artist explains that she is usually quite quick with her lines, but that it was completely silent then.

– I must have looked like an idiot. It is a memory for life, but I wish I could speak for myself properly, she says.


The singer grew up backstage with her father Morten “Diesel” Dahl, and feels she knows the industry and the people in it very well. Nevertheless, she is impressed when she meets talented people.

– It takes a bit to become as starstruck as I was. I’ve met Kiss, Leonardo DiCaprio, Paris Hilton and lots of people like that, so the fact that I couldn’t speak for myself properly with just Justin annoys me, says Carina Dahl to Good evening Norway.

– One thing is that he is so insanely talented, you just have to take off your hat for that, but he is also sexy and damn “snacks”.

She herself thought the story was very funny since she made a mistake.

– I couldn’t say a damn thing, I said so many stupid things. For example, that he looks like my ex-boyfriend. I ruined everything, she says to Harm & Hegseth.

Should have invited him

Dahl says that the conversation was interrupted when one of Bieber’s security guards came to escort him out.

Carina Dahl is ready for the fourth season of “Kompani Lauritzen”. Photo: Matti Bernitz

– I stood back and thought “what happened now”. I couldn’t sleep that night because I had to call all my friends to tell them about the incident.

Instead of allegedly being able to hang out with the big star, Dahl was left alone in the hotel room.

– Now in retrospect, I should have just said that he could join some snacks at the bedside.

Carina Dahl is current with “Kompani Lauritzen” and will release her new song “Best på fest” on Friday.

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