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Chema Fraustro attends the opening of the restaurant El Papalote Taco & Grill

When attending the opening of the El Papalote Taco & Grill restaurantthe mayor of Saltillo, Jose Maria Fraustro Sillerstressed that the capital of Coahuila is an ideal place to invest.

With the support of the Governor Miguel Angel Riquelme SolisToday Saltillo is an ideal city to invest, opening a business is based on trust, security and job creation,” he said.

Chema Fraustro congratulated the members of the restaurant located at the crossroads of the Venustiano Boulevard Y La Salle Avenue and reiterated that they count on the Municipality to continue growing.

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José María Fraustro Siller, mayor of Saltillo.

“This type of gastronomy business is required, it is what the people require, they are the ones who promote many businesses,” said the mayor, who he was accompanied by his wife beatriz davila during the inauguration.

Alberto Salinas de la Fuenteone of the partners of the restaurant El Papalote Taco & Grill, mentioned that they invested 5 million pesos and 40 direct jobs were created.

“Years ago we were afraid to open a second branch and today we see that there is space for many units and Saltillo continues to be a growing city”, said Alberto Salinas de la Fuente.

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Chema Fraustro accompanied by his wife Beatriz Dávila during the inauguration.

During the opening They were present Mario Mata QuinteroDirector of Economic Development and Tourism; Andres VelascoOCV president; louis torres, general manager of Canirac; and the priest Juan Antonio Ruiz.

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