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Chema Fraustro strengthened garbage collection service in Saltillo

With the aim of maintaining the Saltillo garbage collection service among the best nationwide, Mayor Jose Maria Fraustro Siller delivered four new collection trucks in the first half of the year.

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Fraustro Siller highlighted that the people of Saltillo they deserve top-level public services, which is why their administration made that investment, which was around 13.7 million pesos.

“We recognize the work they do every day in the garbage collection area, so we try to give them the necessary equipment to do their job efficiently,” commented the mayor Chema Fraustro.

This collection work is complemented by the work carried out daily by manual sweeping personnel in the downtown area of ​​the city.

He added that just as there is a public lighting service of the best quality, There is a service for the collection and proper confinement of the waste generated in homes in Saltillo.

The Directorate of Public Services announced that the four units that were acquired, with a load capacity of 12 tons each, were added to the 138 routes that are defined in all sectors of the city.

Just as there is a public lighting service of the best quality, there is also a service for the collection and proper confinement of waste.

They pointed out that 700 tons of garbage are collected daily and taken to the landfill. Saltillo sanitary where they are given adequate confinement.

This collection work is complemented by the work carried out daily by the sweeping staff manual in the downtown area of ​​the city, as well as the work of paperwork in the main avenues to keep Saltillo clean.

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