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Children in food supplement ads: ARAV says stop

The dietary supplements are not drugs, so they cannot claim any therapeutic effect. However, according to the Algerian advertisements, these would be better than the legendary perlimpinpin powder! Help to lose or gain weight, relieve constipation, strengthen the immune system… We no longer count their virtues.

These products, often perceived as harmless, because “of natural origin”, may however expose the uninformed consumer to health risks. These risks are all the greater because, unlike drugs, their marketing does not require a marketing authorization.

Added to this chaotic landscape is the latest finding from food supplement manufacturers: the use of children in commercials. And it is against this last phenomenon that the Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (ARAV) decided to react by publishing this Tuesday, December 27 by publishing a warning message addressed to radio and television channels .

Advertising for food supplements: what Algerian law says

Despite their supposed “natural origin”, food supplements can nevertheless expose the uninformed consumer to health risks.

The Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (ARAV) has invited the audiovisual media in Algeria to respect the interministerial instruction of 8/4/2022 which sets “the methods of control and compliance of food supplements in advertising campaigns”. This prohibits ” describe without justification food supplements as being therapeutic, preventive and health elements“. It also obliges to “ensure the presence and the validity of the barcode on the boxes of the complements”.

The ARAV procedure aims to “protect the consumer and his integrity, as well as to preserve public health, especially in view of the growing number of misleading campaigns“. It also aims to “curb this phenomenon and govern the related advertising mechanisms”. The ARAV also encouraged the coordination of the efforts of the various departments involved in the food supplements market in Algeria, in particular the National Health Security Agency (ANSS).

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In addition, the Audiovisual Regulatory Authority reminds the audiovisual media of a certain number of rules to be observed with regard to advertising for food supplements. Among these, the ARAV press release mentions: “the obligation to present, before any advertising approach, an authorization for the classification of food supplements issued by the Ministry of Health”; and ” the need to completely refrain from exploiting children to promote the virtues of these products”.

Finally, the ARAV has warned that it will take strict measures if it receives a notification “about any violation of these provisions”.

As the New Year approaches, the National Gendarmerie raises awareness of the risks associated with online shopping

When the end of the year approaches, commercial offers on Facebook abound. An opportunity for scammers to have fun.

As the new year approaches, commercial offers on the internet, in particular on the social networks Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, are multiplying, and with them the scams…

This is why the Command of the National Gendarmerie (GN) has decided to launch “an awareness and prevention campaign againstthe risks associated with online shopping“. This campaign, explains the press release from the GN, seeks to “raise citizens’ awareness of the risks of online purchases by calling on them to be cautious during these transactions”.

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The National Gendarmerie informs citizens that to transmit their reports, it provides them with: the toll-free number 1055; the pre-complaint site (; and the facebook page+TARIKI+.

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