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Children top up the class fund

The fourth graders of the Rheindorf elementary school invited to the toy and book flea market at the school.

Lustenau On Friday afternoon, the gymnasium of the Rheindorf elementary school was like a colorful market with everything that makes children’s hearts beat faster. Stalls selling exciting books, board games, puzzles, cars, balls and stuffed animals were touted at the fourth graders’ toy and book flea market. The visitors also came in large streams and rummaged through the treasures of the school children. The students sold their favorite items that they no longer need and were able to top up their class coffers with them. “We do a lot of field trips in fourth grade. A little money can’t hurt,” explained student Nino Larcher from 4c.

“Look here, we have a book here for all women who like to shop,” praised Timur Özgöç from class 4c to the mothers passing by. Many parents and children came to the elementary school for the flea market in order to choose one or the other exciting game or to get hold of an interesting book. And of course they also came to support the children in their project. “I think it’s great that the students are organizing this sales afternoon. I’m happy to help and buy a few games right away,” said visitor Sandra Gmeiner.

The saleswomen Mia, Helena, Rosa and Linea from 4c even responded to their customers’ price expectations. “If someone thinks our price is too expensive, we will accommodate our customers,” explained schoolgirl Linea Posch (9). The four friends are very satisfied with their turnover. “We have already taken 46 euros,” she said proudly. A particularly large number of cuddly toys were sold at the Isabella Rack stand. “I sold the small stuffed animals for 50 cents, the really big ones for 2.50 euros,” said Isabella Rack. And so those responsible for the stand reported that business was good and that they could certainly contribute a lot to the project days.

Excursions become affordable for parents

“We have a lot of field trips with the fourth graders. To make it a little more affordable for their parents, we had the idea of ​​organizing this flea market to improve the class coffers a bit,” reveals Claudia Hofer, class teacher of 4a. “We will be able to use the money raised for the project days in particular, such as the visit to the Alemannendorf in Mäder, the Inatura or the climbing hall in Dornbirn,” said teacher Simone Grabher-Meyer from 4c. The flea market was not only a financial success for the children, they also got their first insights into commercial work. vs

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