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Children’s rights: which are fulfilled and which are not

Children's rights: which are fulfilled and which are not
The relationships and ties that the boys have will impact the formation of their identity and the way in which they learn to understand, know, relate to and manage their emotions (Illustrative Image Infobae)
Boys and girls need each other to grow and develop, which is why it is essential to try to create environments of support and communication, where all their rights are respected.
“Family members, teachers, and caregivers who foster respect, empathy, and support contribute positively to the mental health of children, who will also multiply this learning first among their peers and later in their adult lives,” Almada said.
We must all be attentive to the comprehensive needs of boys and girls, including emotional ones, to offer support and containment
“Families cannot always offer the necessary support for this development because they are going through different difficult circumstances, for social, psychological, socio-political and environmental reasons,” Almada said.
The right of children to be heard: what are the consequences of ignoring what they feel, think and want
Playing to grow, the way to nurture identity and emotional development in children
Sexual violence in childhood: the deep pain of the victims is ageless
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