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Children’s ski course 2022 of the winter sports club Übersaxen


The children’s ski course of the WSV Übersaxen took place again this year from December 26th to 30th, 2022 in the Faschina ski area. A total of 33 children took part in this year’s ski course, which were divided into a total of 5 groups.

The group of beginners practiced diligently on the conveyor belts in the children’s area of ​​the Faschina ski school. The slightly advanced practiced on the large people mover and were then able to use the chair lifts and drag lift in the following days. The advanced groups were out and about in the entire Faschina ski area.

Thanks to the great commitment of the volunteer ski instructors and helpers, astonishing progress was again made this year. At the final race on December 30, 2022, all participants were able to demonstrate their skills to the numerous parents, grandparents and friends who attended. At the end we were able to present each child with a well-deserved medal and certificate.

The WSV Übersaxen would like to thank all volunteer ski instructors and helpers. A big thank you also goes to the mountain railways and the Faschina ski school for the very good support and cooperation.

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