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Chile requests the extradition of Facundo Jones Huala after being arrested in El Bolsón

Monday, January 30, 2023 | 7:18 p.m.

The Government of Chile requested this Monday the immediate extradition of the leader of the Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM), Facundo Jones Huala, who was arrested this morning in El Bolsón during an operation by the Río Negro Police, after spending almost a year on the run. of the Chilean Justice.

“Today during the course of the morning Facundo Jones Huala was arrested in Argentina and, obviously, it is up to us to start the procedures to request his extradition, procedures that the Public Ministry begins and the Government will be attentive, because we are interested, of course, that there is no impunity for this, or in any case,” Monsalve said in a contact with the press from Congress.

In this sense, the official from the trans-Andean country stated: “We want him to be extradited so that he can serve the corresponding sentence.”

Jones Huala was sentenced by the Chilean justice to nine years in prison for “arson attacks and possession of weapons” and after having been in prison for a while, the Chilean justice granted him probation until, in February of last year, the Supreme Court of the trans-Andean country once again ordered his arrest.

Meanwhile, in Argentina, official sources informed telam that Jones Huala “is at the disposal of the federal court of San Carlos de Bariloche for having been arrested for a violation.”

In turn, they confirmed that the Chilean authorities, a jurisdiction from which he had been a fugitive since February 11, 2022, requested the “extradite” the leader of the RAM.

“Argentina is going to send a note to the Chilean Embassy sending the judicial document and requesting that it consider transforming the blue circular into red so that preventive detention can be carried out until the extradition request is formalized,” they remarked.

According to official information, the arrest of Jones Huala took place after a several-month investigation carried out by the Rio Negro security force, which found him “hiding in the barbecue area of ​​a neighbor’s house in the La Esperanza neighborhood.”

Related note:

Facundo Jones Huala was arrested in Río Negro: he was in a house in El Bolsón

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