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Chimney sweeper on Habeck’s plan: “We are not the heating police”

The reform of the building energy law pushed by Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Building Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) has one crucial exception: it does not apply to people over 80 and therefore the age of homeowners must be checked by chimney sweeps in the future. “We are not the heating police,” Chimney Sweep President Alexis Gula now joins the debate.

The background: From January 1, 2024, every newly installed heating system should be operated with 65 percent renewable energy. But for homeowners over 80 years old, there should be no obligation to switch to renewable energies if their previous oil or gas heating system breaks down.

Chimney sweep: “We are there to check the age of heaters, not people”

After voices from the FDP and Union have already criticized this age limit, a new professional group is now commenting on the problem: the Schornsteinger. According to the amendment, they should check in future whether homeowners are subject to the ban or not. Chimney Sweep President Alexis Gula has a clear opinion on this: “We are there to check the age of heaters, not of people.” That would destroy the “trusted relationship”, Gula told the ” Bild “.

The federal association had already criticized Habeck’s plans. “The fact that chimney sweeps should check the age of homeowners in the future seems absurd,” says Julian Schwark, Energy Director at the Federal Association of Chimney Sweeps, in the “Welt”. Chimney sweeps would check technical systems and not every citizen.

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