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China allows shipment of fentanyl precursors to Mexico according to US

Washington DC.- US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has accused China of not cooperating “genuinely” to stop the shipment of precursor chemicals to Mexico that are used to make fentanyl.

“China will have to decide if it wants to respond to this demand or if it is going to continue to allow the diversion of these precursor chemicals in one way or another,” Blinken said Tuesday at a hearing on the fiscal year 2024 budget request.

“In all of our contacts with China, we have been pressing on this particular issue for it to take action to control the illicit diversion of fentanyl precursors and other synthetic opioids.”

Blinken also highlighted the conversation between President Joe Biden and the Government of Mexico, in which he said the fentanyl problem was discussed.

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