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China: Do not deliver weapons to crisis areas

According to Foreign Minister Qin Gang, China is not delivering weapons to crisis areas. Asked whether China is supplying arms to Russia, Qin said today after a meeting with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Green Party) that the Chinese practice would not change.

A delivery of dual-use goods that can also be used for military purposes should be checked in accordance with the legal requirements. Baerbock had asked China to put more pressure on Russia.

“One man can end the war tomorrow,” she said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. After a conversation with her Chinese counterpart, she warned that China should also not supply Russia with weapons. She doesn’t understand why China hasn’t asked Russia to stop the war so far.

The Chinese foreign minister did not respond to their demand that China should use its influence on Russia to end the Ukraine war. China wants a peace agreement and will no longer throw fuel on the fire, he said simply.

Borrell: China must work on a solution

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell also called for more commitment from China. According to Borrell, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for the EU to trust China without making an effort to secure peace in Ukraine.

China must work on a political solution, according to a speech Borrell wanted to give to a research institute in Beijing, which was published on the EU website. However, Borrell did not travel to China because of a CoV infection.

“Neutrality in the face of violations of international law is not credible.” Borrell appealed to Chinese President Xi Jinping to talk to Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy and provide more humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Baerbock warns about Taiwan conflict

Baerbock also warned China of a military conflict with Taiwan. That would be a “horror scenario,” said Baerbock. “Destabilization would have consequences for all countries, the world economy and also for Germany,” she added. A reunification of China with Taiwan by force is not acceptable for Europe, said Baerbock, who at the same time emphasized Germany’s one-China policy.

A war would send “shock waves” and a global economic crisis would also hit China and Germany, she said, also referring to Taiwan’s economic importance for the chip industry, for example.

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