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China faces the United States and ChatGPT with the development of three artificial intelligence platforms

It is correct to say that China and the United States compete in all industries on the planet and in the Asian giant they know that they cannot be left behind in any sector, which is why they are already working on the development of three artificial intelligence (AI) platforms to deal with programs such as ChatGPT.

As he recalls a report published on the website of xatakathe OpenAI chatbot is not available in Chinese territory, but companies in that country do not seem to need that AI, as they hope to improve their services with the new three platforms.

Ernie, Tongyi Qianwen y SenseNova

One of them is Ernie, the proposal that Baidu launched in beta in a somewhat hasty manner in the middle of last March. It is only possible to use it by invitation, but it is probably the Chinese AI service that is in a more advanced stage of development.

On the other hand, Alibaba introduced Tongyi Qianwen recently, another AI-powered chatbot. It’s in beta and can only be used by corporate clients by invitation, but like Ernie, it’s likely to be openly available soon.

Finally, SenseTime already has ready SenseNovaa package of artificial intelligence models designed to implement services for machine vision, natural language processing, and content generation.

SenseTime is the same firm that is behind SenseChat, a chatbot that offers services similar to those of ChatGPT, but with SenseNova they go to another level by offering a package of AI models.

Although Baidu, Alibaba and SenseTime will compete against each other, its three models of generative AI make up China’s mission to compete against the United States and its proposals for artificial intelligence.

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