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China: iPhone 15 exceeds all sales expectations

The iPhone 15 seems to be a real hit in China.

And that’s despite a bumpy start: Apple’s website in the Asian country experienced technical problems after the iPhone 15 launched on Friday. That’s why many customers bought their devices from third-party retailers.

Tmall: Everything sold out in a minute

According to the SCMP portal, they in turn had a successful business day. According to the information, all available devices on the Tmall platform were sold out within 60 seconds of pre-orders starting.

Around 3 million pre-orders were placed on over the weekend. This means that the iPhone 15 directly dominates the premium smartphone category on the shopping website.

Apple seems to be happy about good numbers in China. However, the development is still under the sword of Damocles of an impending iPhone ban in Chinese government circles, which we have also reported to you about in the last few days. For now, however, people in Cupertino are probably breathing a sigh of relief.

via Apple Insider/Photo: Apple

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