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China prepares artillery with Artificial Intelligence for a possible conflict over Taiwan

The tensions of China to seize Taiwan they have been growing over time, and now Artificial Intelligence can be an essential weapon for success. The Asian giant has a list artillery with this technology, that can hit a small target, as small as a person, 10 miles away.

Let’s remember that China seeks to recover Taiwan, an island that it considers part of the nation, but that separated from it after the civil war between communists and nationalists in the middle of the 20th century.

The United States has set itself up as the protector of the Taiwanese, and the world trembles at the possibility of conflict, especially after Russia invaded the Ukraine for reasons similar to those of the Chinese.

And the value of Artificial Intelligence can be fundamental in a triumph. explains it Wang Jiang, from the Beijing Institute of Technology, who was in charge of artillery research with technology.

“AI is evolving rapidly”, he highlighted, quoted by Eurasian Times. “More researchers are applying the technology to trajectory planning problems.”

The impressively accurate artillery with Artificial Intelligence

When talking about the use of artillery for a single person, it is more of a hyperbole, an exaggeration. In war, using a missile for such a small target is a waste of money. But here the example is key to determine the accuracy of the technology.

In accordance with Eurasian Times, In July 2022, the scientific team led by Wang Jiang conducted several tests of AI-powered, laser-guided artillery rounds.

they made themselves known two images of targets destroyed by the accuracy of the launches.

The researchers explain that traditional artillery shells usually hit 100 meters or more from the target. Due to multiple variables such as wind, temperature and air pressure, the difference can be much larger.

But the AI ​​allows quickly collect and analyze all necessary environmental data to adjust the course of the artillery.

“Researchers say that AI learns from training based on on data collected in real flights or laboratory experiments, allowing you to skip some of the calculations,” notes the Eurasian Times.

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