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Chinese AI shells hit targets 16 kilometers away

Chinese army at military exercise – icon image

© EPA / XINHUA / Liu Mingsong

China is said to have tested artillery shells that can hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy from a long distance. As the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports, the grenades can 16 kilometers away meet individuals.

The news platform is referring to a report by the Chinese military. The published images are intended to prove that the AI-guided shells hit the test targets with high accuracy.

It also refers to a study by Beijing Institute of Technology, which appeared in the journal Acta Armamentarii. According to SCMP, traditional artillery shells with this level of precision can only 100 meters away meet.

Processing of data in real time

The calculations of variables such as wind speed, air pressure and Temperature big challenges. Calculating this in real time is so difficult that the weapons miss their targets. The new Chinese system should now use AI to data processing to accelerate.

The projectiles collect data in flight after launch to adjust their course based on it. The AI ​​should learn with each use. A defense engineer is quoted as saying that the aim is to hit targets more precisely in order to “reduce civilian casualties and the destruction of adjacent buildings” and keep costs down.

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