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Chingu Amiga opens “laundry” and advertising is right; “I am a woman who bills”

  • With more than 22 million followers on TikTok, Chingu Amiga is one of the influencers most popular today.

  • A study carried out in 2022 reveals that more than half of young Mexicans plan to dedicate themselves to the work of Content Creator.

  • According to a survey, 53 percent of Mexicans have been interested in forging their own project.

According to what is shown on her TikTok account, the Korean content creator Chingu Amiga reports that she opened her own “laundry” and her way of advertising is what has been liked by several Internet users.

Something that we should not forget is the fact that, after the pandemic caused by Covid-19, entrepreneurship became one of the most relevant elements for people, especially for a sector that was left without economic income.

This is confirmed by a survey carried out by Ipsos, which details that 53 percent of Mexicans have been interested in forging their own project. According to what the study reveals: “Saudi Arabia, Colombia and Mexico, have the highest percentage of adults who say they are likely to start a business in the future, more than half of those surveyed.”

Of course, it is not an exclusive health emergency activity, but for years the impulse of young people has led entrepreneurship to position itself as one of the most requested income alternatives.

In this sense, social networks play an essential role for those who have decided to disconnect from office hours and carry out their own initiatives; hence the career or profession of Content Creator has gone growing up gradually until it becomes one of the most requested, mainly by young people, at least it makes it known The Influencer Report study.

Chingu Amiga opens “laundry” and advertising is right; “I am a woman who bills”

Speaking of influecers and/or content creators, the name of Chingu Amiga is one of the most popular today and, without a doubt, one of the ones with the most followers on the digital scene.

just in TikTokthe Korean has more than 22 million followers and an accumulated of one billion likes among all its contents, which, as if that were not enough, add millions of reproductions each of them.

In one of his most recent videos, Chingu Amiga announced the opening of his “laundry” to which he named “Chiningunamancha” and that, in reality, it seems to be an advertising collaboration with the Persil brand; however, it is worth noting the fact that said advertising has caused a good sensation among some Internet users.


I opened my laundry If you live in CDMX, upload a Reel or Story tagging me, Persil and using the hashtag #ChineseSpotPersil telling me the story of your stain and we are going to choose 3 people, so that I wash their clothes and remove those stains with Persil. ?

???? ??? – Chingu Amiga

Brands, today, need to be aware of everything that happens in the digital sector, being this one of the fastest growing, positioning itself, therefore, as one of the safest spaces to invest, especially at a time when in which digital marketing is presented as the great option to reach a new legion of consumers who already have the digitization chip installed in their main consumption habits.

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