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Chocoano students won the 2023 educational robotics world championship

Chocoano students won the 2023 educational robotics world championship
Group of students from the department of Chocó won the 2023 educational robotics world championship. Photo: Team Robotics del Pacífico / Facebook
Students from Chocó won the 2023 educational robotics world championship. Photo: Team Robotics del Pacífico / Facebook
Chocó students won the world championship in educational robotics. Photo: Team Pacific Robotics / Facebook
Students from Chocó won the 2023 educational robotics world championship. Photo: Team Robotics del Pacífico / Facebook
Colombian students won a gold medal in the world robotics competition. Photo: Colombian-Canadian College
  1. Laura Sophia Barrera Couple.
  2. Julian Cantillo Meza.
  3. Juan Felipe Lopez Sanchez.
  4. Valeria Ferro Leon.
  5. Emilio Gomez.
  6. Maria Camila Chaves Raymond.
  7. Mariana de Jesus Moreno.
  8. Santiago Herazo.
  9. Maria De Los Angeles Milanes Martinez.
  10. Angie Viviana Murillo De Diego.
Students who will represent Colombia in the Science Camp in Denmark. Photo: social networks
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