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Choose State Treasury to Banorte to contract credit

Juarez City.- Banco Mercantil del Norte (Banorte) was the institution selected by the State Treasury Secretariat to contract a 20-year loan of 350 million pesos, the first with a tender of those included in the “financial reorganization” decree approved by the Congress and released last January.

As indicated in the ruling document of the contracting process SH/LPDP/001/2023, issued on April 26, Banorte’s proposal surpassed Bansi’s by presenting the lowest effective rate.

“The qualified offer that presents the best market conditions regarding the FAIS Financing to be contracted, since it presents the lowest effective rate and, therefore, the lowest financial cost for the State of Chihuahua, is the offer presented by Banco Mercantil del Norte, SA, Multiple Banking Institution, Grupo Financiero Banorte, with an effective rate of 9.09%,” the document says.

Bansi, for his part, proposed an indicator of 10.56 percent.

According to the journalistic archive, the credit will be settled with the Contribution Fund for Social Infrastructure (FAIS), and is one of the different financing that is sought to be acquired with the legislative approval cited in the January 7 decree.

“The resources derived from FAIS Financing must be allocated to productive public investment projects that directly benefit: (i) population located in priority attention areas, or (ii) population in extreme poverty, or (iii) localities with high or very high level of social backwardness”, says the decree issued in January, which cites authorization from the current legislature.

The official documentation available adds a list of 45 projects to be financed with the loan and that will be in charge of the Ministry of Health, the Cabinet Coordination and the State Commission of Indigenous Peoples.

Among these plans are the “Equipment Hospital Children’s Specialties of Ciudad Juárez”, for 9.9 million pesos; another 75 million for equipment of the General Hospital (HG), also on this border; 4.3 more for the Colinas de Juárez Health Center and another similar amount for Senderos, also here.

Another project that stands out, but in the city of Chihuahua, is the “Construction of an evacuation ramp for the Dr. Zubirán Anchondo General Hospital”, for 75 million pesos; amount that, along with those sought for the HG of this border, are the highest on the list.

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