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Chormatinee Hofsteig 2023

5 guest choirs, a lot of enthusiastic audience

On Sunday, April 23, five guest choirs gathered in the Hofsteigsaal in Lauterach for the choir matinee, as well as a large audience from near and far. It was an entertaining event by the Lauterach men’s choir with high-class choral singing, but also with some original titles and a lot of good entertainment.

Die One by one – the children’s choir from Lauterach opened the choir matinee, Chor Losamol from Dornbirn-Haselstauden enchanted the audience with entertaining songs. The Craftsmen’s Choir Andelsbuch spanned the spectrum from native Bregenzerwald songs to the Himalayan march. Great friends, the somewhat different choir from Bregenz-St. Gallus as well as that Fluher Chorle knew how to convince with great singing performances. Finally, the men of the host club sang, der Male Choir Lauterach a few earworms.

The Hofsteigsaal was filled with good-humoured guests. With bratwurst and “Männerchor-Kartoffelsalat”, with homemade cakes and coffee, the guests let the event end sociable until late in the afternoon.

We at the Lauterach Male Choir would like to thank all participating guest choirs and especially you, dear audience.

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