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Chris Evans and possible return of Captain America to the MCU: “I think there are more Steve Rogers stories”

Chris Evans recently spoke about a possible return of Captain America in the Multiverse Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU, for its acronym in English), exciting his fans with his return.

As he recalls a report published on the website of Screen Rant, the Infinity Saga marked the end of one of the MCU’s beloved Avengers. After playing Steve Rogers in several movies, Evans wrapped up his run as Cap.

Plus, when he literally passed the shield to Falcon, Sam Wilson became Marvel Studios’ new Captain America. Anthony Mackie is currently filming Captain America: New World Order, which arrives next year.

Many have been wondering if Evans would ever consider returning to the MCU as Steve Rogers. Evans addressed that question last weekend at this year’s C2E2. While the actor is open to that, he also sees it as a tough challenge..

A role he loves, but…

Despite having great love for the role of Captain America, Chris Evans also doesn’t want to mess with the way his arc ended. For now, feel that it is not the right time.

It’s hard, because look, I love that role deeply. He (Captain America) means a lot to me. I think there are more Steve Rogers stories, sure. But I became, you know, it’s like this shiny little thing that I have that I love so much, and I don’t want to mess it up in any way, and I was part of something that was so special for the special period of time and, in a way, really landed very well”.

Evans was blunt and highlighted: “As much as I’m connected to that role and I love telling those stories and working with those people. It doesn’t feel good right now”.

With the Multiverse Saga fully underway, the MCU is getting deeper into the concept of variants. The most refreshing way for Evans to return is if he plays a new version of Captain America and there are plenty of directions Marvel Studios could go with a Steve Rogers variant.

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