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Chris Pratt is open to playing Star-Lord again

The third and final installment in the saga of the Guardians of the Galaxy has just premiered and puts an end to what has been one of Marvel’s most unlikely successes. It’s a final farewell to the Kufically cheerful heroes we’ve all come to love over the years and for many fans the separation anxiety is a fact. The general feeling among the actors involved, on the other hand, seems to be more mixed and both Dave Bautista and Zoe Saldana have said in interviews that they are quite done with their characters.

Chris Pratt, on the other hand, goes against the grain and narrates in one interview with Total Film that he can absolutely imagine playing Star-Lord in future MCU films if the opportunity arises. Although he admits it would feel a little strange without James Gunn’s involvement.

“It would be strange to continue Star Lord’s story without James. He’s done such a masterful job in the first three films. We really found the voice of Peter Quill together and without him, obviously, I would never have had this opportunity. He writes it, he directs it, he dreams up the music, it’s his imagination on screen.”

“So, to continue to tell the story, it would really be important to honor what he’s done in the first three films and to honor what the fans have grown to love about the character and not simply do it because people might show up to pay for it, you know?”

“I don’t want to be cynical in the approach and if that’s the case, I just wouldn’t do it at all. So maybe down the road if something makes sense I would do it but it would really have to check a lot of the right boxes.”

In short, hope is not lost for those who wish to see more of Pratt’s Star-Lord. Maybe Disney and Marvel will get around to teaming him up with Thor and his armor bearer in a future movie. Who knows.

Could you have seen a future for Star-Lord beyond this third film in the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy? And if so, in what context?

Chris Pratt wants to continue frolicking around in space as the charming Star-Lord.
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