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Chris Pratt’s first attempt as Mario was called “Tony Soprano-esque”

Chris Pratt has received harsh words for his interpretation of Mario’s voice. Although the film is a huge success, Pratt’s voice is considered a little too close to.. well, his own. Now Pratt tells us that he actually tried something a little different.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Pratt recounts that he initially did a more cartoonish New Jersey-inspired accent, but was voted down by the production team:

“For a minute, I walked in and they were like, ‘That’s a little New Jersey. You’re doing a Tony Soprano thing.”

Charlie Day (Luigi) was also criticized internally and he has said the following:

“We tried different things, different voices. Every now and then they would say, ‘Charlie, maybe a little less Goodfellas in this one’ — I’m like, ‘Alright! I think you’re wrong, but fine!’ — until they landed on something they liked.”

What do you think of the final result?

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