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Christian Wolf on Zietlow: “Julian abandoned his family”

Source: IMAGE

Fitness Influencer and Entrepreneur Julian Zietlow (38) is on a very special trip. He fled to Thailand months ago and lives a very unbridled life there, including drug intoxication and sex parties.

In the fitness industry, Julian Zietlow built an empire. This includes its own fitness program for men and women and its own supplement and sportswear brands (including “Rocka Nutrition”).

As its success grew, so did more competition. One of them: “More Nutrition” founder and entrepreneur Christian Wolf.

In an interview with BILD, Wolf reveals what he thinks of Julian Zietlow’s current trip.

Zietlow lives in Thailand with his new girlfriend Kate

Photo: youtube/Julian Zietlow

In Thailand, Julian Zietlow has built a new life far away from his estranged wife, his children, his villa in Berlin and his own company. Lives with friends and his new girlfriend Kate in a sea view villa with pool.

Fans of the influencer stunned Signs of life by Julian Zietlow

“He seems to be breaking out. One may therefore speculate as to how much of what one saw earlier was a facade for social media,” Christian Wolf told BILD about the current situation.

“I understand that running a business can be incredibly stressful, but when you realize you weren’t cut out for it, there definitely were other ways to reinvent your life. Julian abandoned his family and caused massive damage to his brand. I have absolutely no understanding for either of them!” Wolf continued.

Julian Zietlow’s supplement company is currently distancing itself from him

Photo: Source: julianzietlow/Instagram

A dispute broke out between the two entrepreneurs on Instagram. In his story, Christian Wolf comments on the current scandal surrounding Zietlow and writes: “I find what is happening here extremely critical. And how hundreds of thousands of people make fun of the fact that the Lord is living out an obvious psychosis here and nobody around him wants to/can save him.”

Zietlow counters via Instagram and describes himself as the “spiritual inventor of More Nutrition”.

“Right from the start, Julian saw me as a rival and competitor. The reason for this is probably that when we entered the market, a large number of customers ‘switched’ from his brand to us,” Wolf told BILD.

Zietlow’s current behavior has an impact not only on his own life, but also on his company.

“As for Rocka, it will be a big challenge. Also, since employees are already looking for new jobs. I can confirm that with certainty, since we get applications,” Christian Wolf told BILD.

With his company, Christian Wolf wants to ensure that millions of people can achieve the figure they want without giving up and thus also a new attitude towards life

Photo: Anna Fichtner

Zietlow, the employees seem to be running away. But what about the company? In a public statement on the website, the latter expressly distances itself from drug consumption and confirms that Julian Zietlow has not been a brand ambassador since October 2022.

“What I’ve heard a number of times is that Rocka had declining production volumes due to declining demand well before Julian’s current situation,” says Wolf.

“Nevertheless, I wish him all the best and good luck with Onlyfans – unfortunately there isn’t much more left after the last few weeks,” Christian concludes.

started Fitness influencer Julian Zietlow by the way as Personal trainer in Berlin. There he soon trained well-known personalities such as Angelina Pannek, Jörn Schlönvoigt and More. He built his companies using his social media community.

Zietlow is currently back in Berlin. A four-week stay is planned. Where it goes after that remains open.

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