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Christmas comes for children in Queens

Christmas comes for children in Queens

With Christmas just around the corner, the Elmhurst community came together in solidarity to wrap hundreds of gifts for underprivileged students at PS7 Elementary School.

“Very happy, very happy to be part of this event to know that the children who are going to open those gifts are going to feel part not only of the festivity, but also part of a community of children. Every child should feel part of a community, they should always feel accepted, and I believe this is a small gesture. Although very small, it is big for those children,” says Mati González, Treasurer of the District 24 Community Education Council.

This initiative is part of a collaboration between City Mission, a community organization, and Elm Church. Their goal is to distribute around 1,200 gifts to all students on campus this Christmas.

Elm Church representatives emphasized the importance of community involvement during the holiday season.

They believe that these gifts not only bring joy to children, but also bring families together.

David Chong, Pastor of Elm Church and City Mission member says:

“Patents in our neighborhood that are worth 2,3,4 jobs, you know. When we look out at local establishments late at night we will see parents still leaving the subway station, like at 10:00 pm so we know that family time is a rare thing for them and so “So giving these gifts for families to spend time together this holiday season really means a lot.”

According to data from the school administration, 7 out of every 10 students at this school are Hispanic, and many of them asylum seekers who live in shelters.

“Children who are recently arrived, that is the reality of our District. We are number two, we have a very high number of children who are newcomers from North Corona, Elmhurst, Woodside, Sunnyside, some of them in Ridgewood,’ explains Verónica Piedra León, President, Council of Community Education District 24.

“In Glendale they are locating, they are arriving, the shelters where they are living, we have seen an influx of children who are arriving, who are requesting asylum or who simply do not have permanent housing,” he adds.

The toys will be distributed to all Public School 7 students before Christmas.

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