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Christmas time in the Church of St. John of Nepomuk

Loruns. (sco) The Catholic pastoral care room in Bludenz started the new calendar year with a blessing for individuals, couples or families.

The faithful could receive this “personal” blessing at the mass celebrations at the turn of the year following the distribution of the general blessing; This is also the case in the Lorüns branch church, which belongs to the parish of Heilig Kreuz. January 1st, Solemnity of the Blessed Mother Mary (“Queen of Peace”) and by the way also World Day of Peace, is the eighth day of Christmas: the octave day. Each day of the Christmas octave is celebrated as a Solemnity of Christ. To the delight of the Lorünser Catholics, the solemnity of the birth of Jesus Christ was celebrated this year with Christmas Eve mass at 5 p.m. and Mass on Christmas Day at 6 p.m. Chaplain Mathias Bitsche was surprised that more people had taken the time for the service than he had expected. “Now I have just shown Franz (the sacristan) how few wafers are left. That’s a good sign,” the chaplain said on Christmas Day. Native and oriental For the second time, the Lorünser church housed a small crib exhibition below the gallery from Christmas Eve on December 24th to the feast of Epiphany on January 6th. Works by Wilfried Schnetzer and Franz Marte that have not been presented before and that have been created over the past eight years were on display: three local nativity scenes, a lantern nativity scene, a book nativity scene in the local style and an oriental nativity scene. Earlier measurement start The last chance to view the cribs is before or after the Epiphany liturgy. During the winter, the four bells of the Lorünser church call for prayer one hour earlier than in summer. “The appointment at 6 p.m. is also well received by the foreign population. We are happy about every fellow friend”, informed Franz Marte, chairman of the parish council of Lorüns for 25 years. Upcoming mass celebrations in Lorüns Friday, January 6, Feast of the Epiphany (Epiphany) and Sunday, January 8, Baptism of Jesus, each at 6 p.m.

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