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Chronic diarrhea: types, symptoms and the precise treatment for this condition

Chronic diarrhea: types, symptoms and the precise treatment for this condition

Initially, Angós clarifies that diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of stools (more than three per day) accompanied by a decrease in their consistency and that sometimes they may contain blood, mucus, pus and undigested food.

Therefore, what is most recommended is to be in bed or in constant rest.

Similarly, the increase in the number of stools can be a side effect of certain medications, mainly antibiotics, although it is not exclusive to them.

The woman lost all of her toes and some of her fingers after the hospital stay.

If the diarrhea is severe and is accompanied by dehydration, it is necessary to treat the patient in hospital to administer intravenous fluids.

Jimena Delgado
School of journalism EL TIEMPO

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