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CiberCuba leads the ranking of Spanish-language media with the highest interactions on social networks during July 2023


For the second month in a row, CyberCuba has led the ranking of websites in Spanish with the highest number of interactions on social networks. According to data provided by NewsWhipour medium surpassed other communication giants in the Hispanic world.

Some key points to note are

CyberCuba, an independent Cuban medium, published 1,697 articles, accumulating a total of 7,355,158 interactions. These numbers are especially impressive when you consider that they have fewer posts than other outlets, but higher engagement per article.

Within the breakdown of the content production of CyberCuba, it is remarkable how they distribute their articles among the different sections. They published 1,106 articles in their Current Affairs section, reflecting a strong focus on contemporary news and events. The Entertainment section followed with 409 posts, showing a balance between informing and entertaining its audience. While in Sports, 115 articles were counted.

The remaining posts were distributed in other sections of the site, demonstrating the diversity of topics it addresses. CyberCuba and its commitment to provide varied and comprehensive content for its readers.

the mexican site It follows in second place with 16,408 published articles and 6,084,527 total interactions.

The Republic of Peru is not far behind, occupying third place with 9,543 articles and 5,406,663 interactions.

Websites based in the United States, such as Telemundo and univisionalso have a strong presence on the list, highlighting the importance of the Spanish-speaking audience in North America.

It is relevant to highlight the geographical diversity of this list. From media outlets in Argentina, Chile and Spain to public-focused websites in the Dominican Republic and Honduras. This variety demonstrates the influence and power of the Spanish-speaking public in the digital realm.

Other notable figures include:

  • week.comwith bases in Colombia and the United States, accumulated 3,967,838 interactions with 14,500 articles.
  • a presence in Mexico and Spain, obtained 3,405,025 interactions from 6,297 articles.
  • infobaewith an impressive 65,701 articles, garnered a total of 2,194,570 interactions.

The growth and success of CyberCuba it is proof of the dynamism of the media landscape in Cuba and the passion of our readers and viewers who interact with our content. Competition is fierce, and media outlets must continue to innovate and adapt to the changing needs of their audience to stay on top.


Fountain: NewsWhip




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