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Cigarette smoking is becoming less and less popular in the United States, one of each new person does it

Ground one of every new American adults reported having smoked a cigarette in 2022the lowest rate since records are held, according to data published the previous month.

A survey of more than 27,000 Americans carried out last year by them Centers for the Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC) determined that cigarette consumption continued to decrease and stood at 11.3% in 2022, compared to 12.6% in 2021.

In the mid-1960s, 42% of American adults were smokers. La tasa has been falling gradually for decades. Meanwhile, the use of electronic cigarettes increased from 4.7% to 5.9%

In 2020, 30.8 million US adults smoked, according to an estimate by the CDC, with a rate of 14.1% among men and 11% among women.

The smoking habit has been decaying in the United States for several decadesin part due to government policies against smoking, which causes cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Despite the low, smoking cigarettes continues to be the number one cause of illnesses and preventable deaths in the United States, according to the CDC. (I)

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