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Ciolacu announces “a reform in gambling”: No company, if it does not have its registered office in Romania, will no longer be able to have this activity

No company will be able to operate in the field of gambling if it does not have its registered office in Romania, a project in this regard will be introduced in Thursday’s Government meeting, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday. He gave the example of companies that were based “through Transnistria”.

GamblingPhoto: Inquam Photos / George Călin

“In Thursday’s meeting I will come up with the gambling reform. No company, if it does not have its registered office in Romania, will no longer be able to have this activity on the territory of Romania”, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday, quoted by

Marcel Ciolacu specified that, thus, “companies that were through Transnistria will no longer be able to operate in this field, on the territory of Romania”.

“It is one of many changes,” he added.

Ciolacu claims that he is being blackmailed by the heads of the gambling companies because of the project that moves the gambling dens to the outskirts of the cities

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu accused on Saturday that there is “a form of blackmail” against him, as well as other officials of the Romanian state, after he proposed the draft law that removes the panhandlers outside the localities.

“In my capacity as prime minister, I request the Romanian state to see if we are talking about a violation of the law and blackmail or just a random phenomenon,” added the PSD leader, reports.

What is contained in the bill that would take out gambling dens outside the towns

We remind you that the bill that removes the gambling halls outside the localities was adopted at the beginning of September by the senators. According to the legislative initiative, the license for gambling is granted depending on the number of inhabitants of the locality, proven by a certificate issued by the local public administration authority, so that there is at most one workplace per 20,000 inhabitants.

The draft law aims to amend GEO 77/2009, being initiated by a group of parliamentarians from the PSD and stipulates that the space dedicated to gambling is located no more than 50 meters from the territorial limit of the city/municipality or commune, including Bucharest municipality. All betting agencies, casinos or slot machines are targeted, with the exception of Lottery agencies for the sale of their own products.

The project will go to the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this case.

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