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Civil society asks Segob and SRE to guarantee the stay of migrants in Mexico after the end of Title 42

Various civil organizations in favor of the defense of human rights in migration, requested the secretariats of Government and Foreign Relations make public the measures to guarantee the adequate stay of migrants in Mexico, before the end of Title 42 in United States.

Through a public letter to the secretaries Adán Augusto López and Marcelo Ebrardthe organizations pointed out that on “several occasions we have highlighted the urgent need for the US government to restore access to asylum at the border to all people who wish to request protection in that country and that the Mexican government guarantee the human rights and safety of returnees to the country as a result of US policies”.

Despite the fact that the US government will announce on April 27 the end of Title 42 – a health policy that allowed the deportation of millions of migrants – the organizations emphasized that the president Joe Biden announced new restrictions to be able to access asylum in the United States.

The Government of Mexico assured that it will continue to accept deported migrants but did not provide further details. darkroom

Faced with this, they expressed their dismay at the actions of the Mexican government in the face of the new border control measures in northern Mexico, because the presidency announced that “Mexico will continue to accept migrants back on humanitarian grounds”. This statement implied, the organizations expose, that the country will receive deported migrants but does not provide details.

In this way, the organizations in favor of migration launched specific questions to the secretaries such as the allowed nationalities of migrants, the number of migrants that will be received per monththe criteria to guarantee safe return, measures that your offices will adopt to guarantee security, agreements between both countriesamong other.

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Finally, civil society organizations argued that it is “It is essential to clarify these doubts and create an open, transparent and urgent dialogue with the Mexican governmentwith the aim of providing care and accompaniment to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees on both sides of the border”.

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