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civility and participation, key to strengthening democracy in the Dominican Republic

President of the Dominican Republic wins a second term

SANTO DOMINGO.- The president of Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader Corona, re-elected with more than 57% of the votes, highlighted civility and the participation of voters in the elections this Sunday, which he considered key to strengthening the democratic institutions of the Caribbean country.

In his first message after declaring himself the winner in the first round, according to official data, Abinader thanked the Dominicans for their citizen behavior, which in his opinion projects “once again the image of an exemplary country with deep democratic convictions, which we are.” .

“The message from the polls is clear: “The changes we have made are going to be irreversible and there is no turning back.”said in another part of his speech the president re-elected by the center-left Modern Revolutionary Party, who ruled out the desire to go for a third re-election.

And he continued: “To continue building that country that we deserve. That Dominican Republic that wants to show itself to the world as happy, hospitable, productive and competitive.”

Expected triumph

In the elections, for which 8 million voters were called, 190 Congressional deputies and 32 senators were also elected, but the publication of the official results is awaited.

Abinader’s victory, which ensures him four more years in office, is considered overwhelming and was expected in the country. His vote surpassed the one he obtained in the 2020 presidential elections, which he won with 52.52% of the votes, and also breaks with the trend of the “punishment vote” observed in the recent electoral processes of Latin American countries and that have determined their directions.

The elections in the Dominican Republic are followed by others in the region, such as in Mexico, on June 2; and in Venezuela, next July 28.

The re-elected president also thanked the calls for recognition of his victory from the candidates who competed in the elections, Abel Martínez, from the center-left Democratic Liberation Party; and Leonel Fernández, former president (1996-2000 and 2004-2012) and of the leftist Fuerza del Pueblo party, among other candidates, for whom he asked for “a round of applause for democracy.”

Luis Abinader, “sensible” government

Abinader, a 56-year-old economist and businessman with extensive experience, has not yet revealed what his executive priorities will be, but it is ruled out that he will continue with his social policies in favor of those most in need. He has ruled out any populist turn.

“If we think that this is a pro-business development government so that jobs are created, some will think that it is a right-wing president. If there is talk that we have increased social spending more than any other government in the Dominican Republic, then they will think that it is a left-wing government,” he said in 2023. “We are just a government of sensible policies.”

During his first government that ends next July, Abinader insisted on making it clear that he is not a “tayota”, a nickname that he would have received from his ally the former president Hipólito Mejía (2000-2004), and with which the Dominicans designate a tasteless fruit that they use to make salads.

Abinader, a married man who has three adult daughters, began his presidency – his first public position – with a strong anti-corruption policy with which he stopped the abuses of governments that preceded him, denounced for their dealings with the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht. which also involved other regional governments.

Source: With information from CNN, BBC, Diariolibre,

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