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“Climate stickers are idiots”: Til Schweiger rumbles against activists and Habeck

The actor Til Schweiger has described climate activists who stick to a street in protest as “complete idiots”. “I don’t know what I do when I’m stuck in traffic and miss an important appointment because they’re stuck there. Then I’ll definitely get out,” said the 59-year-old star of “Manta Manta – Second Part” in an interview the “Bild” newspaper.

“I saw the video of someone pulling off a climate sticker. I think I would do the same. What do I think of them? They are idiots.”

Climate activists, most of whom belong to the “Last Generation” group, have been blocking roads in Germany for months. This annoys not only many people who have to commute to work by car every day, but also those who remain silent.

They are partly paid for it, get up to 1500 euros a month for it.

Til Schweiger about the climate activists

The director and actor, who portrays Bertie in the film, continued, “I actually know a lot of young people who are really looking forward to the film. We didn’t want to make a woke film, we wanted to convey the attitude towards life from back then, when the world was at least apparently still in order. And that’s what people loved at the premiere. I’m not afraid that the climate stickers won’t go to the cinema. Because they all stick to the road.”

Then the actor claims: “They are partially paid for it, get up to 1500 euros a month for it. There are even training camps where they learn, among other things, which glue sticks best in which weather. The climate stickers are a big plague in this country!”

The subject also hits a sore spot with Tina Ruland, who plays Uschi in the “Manta” film. She said in the interview: “I think that with this action you are not pulling the population on your side, but turning them against you. That’s the biggest mistake. They should rather stick to the Bundestag.”

The 56-year-old continues: “I’m someone who tries to do something for the climate. But I think it’s completely the wrong way to obstruct the population in this way – and not to let important vehicles such as ambulances through. That sucks.”

Schweiger also sharply attacks Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens). “I would think it would be great if Robert Habeck would stick himself. Then he couldn’t mortise so much crap,” he said of the “image”. And further: “He should continue to write children’s books, he has no idea about business.”

Schweiger rumbles about the Greens: “Almost the entire government would never earn this money in the free economy – that’s why they became politicians. The leader of the Greens has not even completed her studies. And they get 20,000 euros a month. And who pays for that? The people.”

And: “Then the politicians say: We don’t give a shit about the people. They have to swear an oath to serve the people because we pay them. Therefore, they are not our kings, but our employees.” (lem)

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